About this blog: Towards the end of the semester, we ran out of hard drive space on Lindsey's laptop, and my classes began to pick up with everything due all at once, so....all my pictures since spring break haven't been processed yet. I haven't even looked at them yet. Once I am able to unpack my computer in our new apartment, I can return to posting pictures on Facebook and blogging about the rest of the semester. After the semester abroad has been sufficiently documented, I plan to begin a series of posts based on various themes that will either keep you riveted to your computer screen....or.....bore you to tears. haha! We'll see.
Oh yeah! By the way, I also have plans to finally develop my own personal portfolio website online. I have set up one of those standard "under construction" pages in the meantime...more on that later (click here for the link: www.jonathanedens.com). Now that I own my own domain name, I have moved my blog over as a subdomain. You can still get to my blog by typing in the old address: jonathanedens.blogspot.com, but it will redirect you to the new, official one: blog.jonathanedens.com!